Do you care about me? If not, do you think it might be hard for my 2 and 5 year old little girls to spend the rest of their lives motherless? What are the right words for my husband to use to tell our children that their mother is dead?

Think about your mother. Can you remember what she looked like when you were a kid? Did her hair smell sweet when she rocked you? What songs did she sing to you? Did she kiss your skinned knee after putting the bandaid on? Now imagine she died before you even started kindergarten.

Think of all the things your mother would have missed in your life. All the times you’ve needed her growing up. How many less hugs would you have had in your life? Was she excited for you on the first day of school? Was she proud when you got good grades or your first job? How did it feel to have her shine her attention and love on you in those moments? What if that never happened? Would you leave an empty chair in her honor at your wedding?

Now imagine that there was the possibility your mother’s life could have been saved. If the people she called friends, family, or coworkers had agreed to endure a small, temporary inconvenience she would still be here with you.

Picture your mother’s face again. The face she had when you were small. Keep her face in the front of your mind and tell me what you would say to someone if there was a chance that person’s actions could prevent her death.

Imagine that person telling you they weren’t willing to change their behavior. They didn’t want the temporary annoyance that change would inflict on them. That person tells you they don’t believe changing their behavior will affect your mother. They just don’t believe it or the chance is too small for it to matter. Maybe they even ridicule you or try to hurt your reputation for insisting that if there is even a chance they can save your mother’s life with their behavior you want them to try!

Even if you truly believe COVID-19 isn’t that bad, or masks and distancing don’t work, please will you just try?

Your friends, family and coworkers are asking you to please do these small things just for now. Just when we’re together. Even if you think it’s ridiculous. Some of us are mother’s with little kids who want to see our faces grow old, too.


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